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COVID 19 Resources and Fliers

Your California City Chamber of Commerce understands this is a time of uncertainty. We have gathered resources to help answer many of your questions.


We are compiling and updating daily.  Scroll down for current resources and fliers.  

All services listed, including SBA, are free; never pay anyone to process a SBA grant or loan. 

SBA Disaster Loans for Businesses

Corvid 19 Business Aid and Assistance


  • Assistance with financial impacts


The following are a result of the CARES Act.  The Paycheck Protection Program covers your entire payroll.  Don't forget that you are also an employee. Retain all of your employees and this loan may be forgiven and treated more like a grant.  The Emergency Injury Disaster Loan makes capital available to cover operating costs to hold you through this time of crisis.  Link below, in red, to steps and forms needed.  The steps and forms are the same for both the paycheck program and the emergency loan. 


SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)   

Explanation of program:


Emergency Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)

Explanation of Program:

Link walks through and direct links to forms needed.              

For detailed report on CARES Act click here.


California Tax and fee relief

Small businesses contracted with the Air Force and Air Force Test Center (AFTC) 

For questions about how the Covid-19 virus could potentially impact upcoming acquisitions or your current contract, please contact:


Loan Default Assistance



  • Guidance to support your employees 


Excellent resource for both employers and employees 

Handy chart of types of leave:


Guidance for when your employees cannot work from home


Supporting your employees working remotely


Coronavirus Response Toolkit to help you communicate with your 

employees and customers


California Dept of Public Health Covid 19 - Updated Daily


HR Compliance Information

Employer and Employee Resources for  Covid 19 and the Workplace 


  • Staying Healthy:


Cal/OSHA Guidance on Requirements to Protect Workers from Coronavirus 


CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers 


CDC’s Covid 19 Information Page



Covid 19 Prevention Flier



  • Legal:


Information for both employees and employers 


Work Sharing Program as an Alternative to Layoffs 


FAQs on laws enforced by the California Labor Commissioner’s Office 


Guidance on how and when to send workers with coughs home 


Q & A to prepare employers and employees about legal dos and don’ts concerning those affected by Covid 19 


NEW - For self-employed in CA - updating on Apr 28

OSHA Compliance Information
Risk Management
Tax Relief for Businesses

For CA taxes


Federal Taxes:


More Tax Credits and Relief for SmallBusinesses


The CARES Act also includes tax credits for qualifying employers, as well as a temporary repeal of net operating loss (NOL) limitations, among other benefits.


Tax credit for employment taxes

Small businesses can get a credit against employment taxes for up to 50% of qualified wages — up to $10,000 — per employee per quarter.

Eligible employers include businesses that were operating in 2020 and either:

  • Were forced to partially or fully shut down by government order due to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Experienced at least a 50% drop in sales for the quarter starting on January 1, 2020 compared to the previous year

You’re no longer eligible for this tax credit when your losses are less than 20% compared to the same calendar quarter the previous year. And if you’re taking advantage of the SBA Paycheck Protection Loan, you won’t qualify for this tax credit.


Deferred payment of payroll taxes

Under the CARES Act, most small businesses can defer paying employment taxes through December 31, 2020. After this, half of the deferred amount is due by the end of 2021, and the other half is due by the end of 2022.


Temporary repeal of net operating loss and interest limitations

To support businesses that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS temporarily repealed the rule that limits the amount of net operating losses (NOLs) a business can utilize to 80% of its taxable income.

For tax years 2018 through 2020, small businesses can use 100% of their net losses to offset their taxable income, and NOLs can be carried back five years.

The CARES Act also increases the interest expense limitation from 30% to 50% for tax years beginning in 2019 and 2020.

Grants - Apply ASAP
Utility and Banking Fee Waivers and Aids
If your service/bank is not listed, call and ask about waivers.

Southern California Edison 

To help with financial challenges due to COVID-19, we are temporarily suspending disconnections for customers unable to pay their bill. Some Authorized Payment Agencies may close or provide intermittent service. We will waive late payment charges if this affects your ability to make a timely payment. If you need help, visit



What we are Doing to Help Customers

  • As a reminder, we also suspended service disconnections until further notice. This means no customer will have their natural gas turned off due to non-payment.

  • We are committed to helping customers experiencing hardships, including from COVID-19.

    • If your household income has recently changed, you may now qualify for 20% off your natural gas bill with CARE. Apply online today!

    • If you are currently of CARE, you will not be required to recertify.*

  • Customer service representatives continue to be available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions, help you select a payment option, or determine if the service your calling about needs our attention right away. If in need of assistance, we encourage customers to call us at 1-800-427-2200.

  • For our Small Business Customers, we are waiving late payment fees



  • Suspending service disconnections for non-payment and waiving security deposits;

  • Implementing flexible payment plan options; and

  • Providing additional support for low-income and medical baseline customers.


Internet and wireless providers

Follow this link for list of companies that took pledge to waive late fees and to keep customers connected:



Beginning Monday, March 16, we commit to the following for 60 days:

  • We'll partner with school districts to make sure local communities are aware of these tools to help students learn remotely.

  • We'll open our WiFi hotspots across our footprint for public use.

  • We'll continue to offer Spectrum Internet Assist, our high-speed broadband program to eligible low-income households.

  • We'll offer new free access to internet and WiFi for 60 days for new Pre-K to 12, college student and teacher households who don't currently have internet or WiFi service.

We won't terminate service for 60 days for residential or small business customers who face difficult economic circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Similarly, we won't charge late fees for those customers facing difficult economic circumstances related to the pandemic. 



This link lists banks participating in


***Call your credit card and mortgage companies if you have trouble making payment due to income loss.  Most are working with their clients.

California City Chamber of Commerce

8001 California City Blvd.

California City, CA 93505



Office hours: 

Friday 12-5 pm

Saturday 9-5 pm

Sunday 12-5 pm


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